That Gut Feeling

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How often do you listen to your gut? Do you know what really goes on inside it? If you ever wanted to pay more attention to it and learn about the inner workings of this organ, look no further than this wildly entertaining and informative popular science book. Gut, by Guilia Enders, is an “inside” look that offers engaging explanations about the function of our digestive system and its connections with our whole body.

If you have ever suffered from bloating, an occasional stomachache, acid reflux, or any other digestive disturbance (who among us hasn’t?!), this is the ideal text that covers everything from the anatomy of the organ to curious facts about gut illnesses and afflictions. It also contains helpful illustrations to represent crucial body parts.

This book is rooted in accessible science, allowing one to learn about gut flora, the mind-gut connection, and other benefits your digestive tract offers to keep your bodily functions running like clockwork. It examines our eating habits and the effect they have on our digestion.

You may be surprised that this hit book truly gives you information spanning not only gastrointestinal concerns but reflects on how your digestion interacts with your whole life. It’s been said that the way to our hearts is through our stomachs; well, if so, then reading Gut is a perfect way to better understand who we are and how we operate. So listen to your gut in the new year as you assemble your list of exciting, inspirational, informative, and simply entertaining books to read – ones that truly give you a better glimpse of yourself.

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